E-ihracat Devlet Teşvikleri

Government Incentives for E-Exports in Turkey: Application and Support Processes

E-Export Government Incentives: Get the Support You Need to Succeed

Companies operating in the e-export field can benefit from government incentives to establish a strong and effective presence in foreign markets. These incentives aim to facilitate e-export processes and increase the competitiveness of companies in foreign markets. In this article, we will discuss the types of e-export government incentives and application processes.

Importance of E-Export Government Incentives

E-export companies can cover the investment costs necessary to create their own e-commerce websites and safely enter and grow in foreign markets thanks to government incentives. E-export supports for foreign investments play an important role in company growth and reaching target markets. Government support is also provided for issues such as establishing a company abroad and creating localized websites.

Services Provided under E-Export Government Incentives

E-export government incentives provide support to companies in many areas during the process of entering foreign markets. These supports aim to increase the competitiveness of companies at every stage of electronic commerce activities. Here are some areas covered by e-export government incentives:

1. Brand Registration and Protection Support

Covers the costs of brand registration and protection processes abroad.

2. Market Research Travel Support

Provides support for the costs of travels conducted for target market research.

3. Report Support

Covers the costs of reports such as market research, company, and brand-focused reports.

4. Company Acquisition Support

Covers the costs of financial and legal reports related to foreign company acquisition transactions.

5. Document Support

Covers the costs of documents and certificates required for technical regulations and compliance on environmental, quality, and health issues.

6. Unit Support

Provides support for expenses such as taxes, fees, rent, and commissions for units to be opened abroad.

7. Advertising and Promotion Support

Supports advertising, promotion, marketing, and announcement expenses to be carried out during e-export processes.

8. Exhibition Support

Provides support for participation expenses in exhibitions abroad.

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E-Export Government Incentive Application Process

To benefit from e-export government incentives, applications must be made to the Ministry of Commerce or Exporters’ Associations. Some conditions must be met for the evaluation of applications and the provision of incentives. For example, the website used in e-export should be localized in the target country’s language, and the products to be sold must be produced in Turkey.

There are lower and upper limits determined for incentives and supports. These limits are taken into account during the application process, and the amount of support to be provided to companies is determined.

For more detailed information about e-export government incentives, you can review the “Turkish Government Aid Guide” on the official website of the Ministry of Commerce.


E-export government incentives provide an important support for companies in the process of opening up to foreign markets. Thanks to these incentives, companies can establish a strong and effective presence abroad and increase their competitiveness. In order to benefit from e-export government incentives, it is important to carefully examine the application processes and the services covered by the incentives. In this way, you can get the necessary support to make your e-export processes a success.

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